BA Fine Art
Bath Spa University (2013)
MA Japanese Studies
SOAS, University of London (2023)
I specialise in linocut and mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock printmaking). Currently living and working in London.
Sumi-Fusion: International Mokuhanga Exhibition, Nara, Japan (Dec 2021)
MI-Lab Basic B, CFSHE, Tokyo, Japan (Dec 2019)
Sint Niklaas International Bookplates and Small Printmaking, Belgium (Apr 2019)
Laurens 500, Alkmaar, Netherlands (Jun 2018)
Streets of Bath, Bath Abbey, Bath (Apr 2016)
Bath Time, The Edwardian Cloakroom, Bristol (Nov 2015)
Bath Artist Printmakers at GAA druk maken, Alkmaar, Netherlands (Aug 2015)
Without Borders – Museum in the Park, Stroud (Aug 2015)
Eighthwonder 2015 – 44AD Artspace, Bath (Aug 2015)
Good Impression – Bath Artist Studios, Bath (Jul 2015)
48 Hours Notice – 44AD Artspace, Bath (May 2015)
Hide and Seek – Bath Fringe Festival, Bath (May 2015)
To Bathe – Bath Fringe Festival, Bath (May 2015)
Bath Artist Printmakers at Bocabar - Bocabar, Bristol (May 2015)
Edition 1 - 44AD Artspace, Bath (Apr 2015)
RBA Rising Stars - Lloyd Register, London (Feb 2015)
Postcards to Locals – b-side Arts Festival, Portland (Sep 2014)
Forest of Imagination – 44AD, Bath (Jul 2014)
Tall Tales – Bath Fringe Festival, Bath (May 2014)
Art at the Heart - RUH, Bath (Apr 2014)